Caring for The Needs of Others

Stewardship is caring for the needs of others, offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.
Stewardship is what a person does after saying “I Believe…” as proof of that belief.
Since 1916, St John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church in Jacksonville has been a beacon that continues to get brighter as the light of our Lord shines through you, HIS people. We have a rich history that involved much labor, sacrifice and determination from generations past. We are, as they were, good stewards – realizing that anything and everything good we have or do is from the Lord. It is our responsibility as stewards of His immeasurable blessings, to return that goodness to the Lord through our good works towards each other, our community, our city, our country and on this earth.
What is a Steward?
A Steward is someone who handles the affairs for someone else. In ancient kingdoms, Stewards ran the kingdom in the King’s absence. Of course, the Steward did not own the kingdom but joyfully fulfilled their duties while the same acknowledging that the King has full dominion. Upon the King’s return, the Steward gave a full account for his actions.
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God.
A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith.
Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him.
It is also our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgement of Christ’s redeeming love. Our care for the needs of others, offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us, what a person does after saying “I believe…” as proof of that belief.
There are 2,350 versus in the Bible all about money and our relationship between it and God. (Click here) for a comprehensive index broken down categorically.
If there are areas in your financial life where you are seeking truth, to better understand your relationship with God, we encourage you to prayerfully review the information contained and schedule time with your spiritual father to help you discern where you are and what you need.
Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at baptism (Chrismation for some) and continues throughout our life. We are united with Christ through the sacraments, or mysteries, of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. Our Archdiocese requires each parish to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. A voting member is over 18 years of age and turns in a signed stewardship commitment card, committing a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church. The Archdiocese also requires the voting member to remain current through the year on their commitments. Keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church.
Please keep in mind that your stewardship of money is kept in the strictest of confidence. However, we do compile the amounts anticipated to better plan our budget.
During the course of a year, people’s circumstances change. Your stewardship is valued because it is made out of your love for God and His Church. Please do not be concerned if you are unable to meet your stewardship commitment – we are glad you are a part of this parish. Just please call to let us know.
For additional information about stewardship please call the Church Office.
In order to maintain an accurate parishioner database and knowing that an individual’s financial situation may change from year to year, we ask that you submit a new stewardship form every calendar year.