Strategic Planning

Our Goals


In the months between the two strategic planning retreats, the Planning Committee divided itself into these seven Strategic Task Forces and began to develop a reasonable number of the most important specific SMART Strategic Goals to be achieved in their Strategic Area. At a second two-day retreat, the Planning Committee thoroughly discussed and agreed upon a manageable number of SMART Strategic Goals and a detailed action plan to achieve each goal that outlined: (1) each specific action to be undertaken; (2) who was responsible for doing each required action; (3) how we would measure the successful achievement of that action; and (4) the timetable for the achievement of the action.

SMART Strategic Goals

1.1 – Church Services Education

Within 24 months, we will develop, publish and teach a series of educational programs that effectively explain and teach the Divine Liturgy, memorials, artoklasia, key Pascha and other significant church services to audiences of different ages.

1.2 – Best Practices Youth Education Program

(a) Within 10 months, we will complete a detailed analysis of our youth and adult educational curriculum and programs and identify areas for improvement or new and better programs;
(b) Within 12 months thereafter, we will develop and fully implement our “best practices” adult and youth education curriculum and programs.

2.1 – Dynamic Worship Engagement Process

Within 2 years, we will develop and implement a process to more fully engage our parishioners in a dynamic worship experience.

2.2 – Newcomer Welcoming and Engagement

Within 1 year, we will develop and implement a process that ensures our newcomers are
fully embraced and welcomed.

3.1 – Council of Ministries

Within 12 months, we will establish a Council of Ministries and process that ensures that
each Parish Ministry establishes and achieves its own strategy to accomplish meaningful
and measurable operational goals with the appropriate human and other resources.

4.1 – Evangelism Team

Within 2 years, we will establish, train and implement an Evangelism Team that effectively witnesses and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Orthodox faith within our community and beyond.

4.2 – Signature Outreach Ministries

Within 2 years, we will successfully implement 2 new signature outreach ministries.

5.1 – Comprehensive Stewardship Program

Within 9 months, we will develop and initiate a comprehensive and effective Stewardship Program, which we will fully implement within 6 months thereafter.

5.2 – Planned Giving Program

Within 2 years, we will develop and implement a planned giving program for estate and legacy gifts.

5.3 – Long Range Parish Financial Plan

Within 12 months, we will develop and receive Parish approval of a comprehensive and transparent long range financial forecast and plan for the Parish that is updated and shared with the Parish at least annually thereafter.

6.1 – Best practices Communications Tools and Strategies

Within 2 years, we will develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for the most effective use of best-practices technological and communications tools to better reach and serve our parishioners and share Orthodox Christianity in our community and globally.

6.2 – Parish Buildings Technology Implementation

Within 18 months, we will complete a technology construction and implementation plan to ensure all Church buildings incorporate the latest and most effective technology available that is fully utilized by our parishioners.

7.1 – Comprehensive Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Within 1 year, we will develop a comprehensive youth and young adult ministry focusing on enhancing spiritual engagement, fellowship and service, that we will fully implement over the next 18 months thereafter.