Adult Greek Dance


Ministry Leadership

Staci Lagoutaris

Adult Greek Dance

“Let them praise His name in the dance: let them sing praises unto Him with the timbrel and harp.” Psalm 149:3


Our mission is to teach the traditional songs and dances of our Greek heritage in an Orthodox Christian environment while growing together in fellowship and working together to build up the body of Christ.  

Our Adult Greek Dance Ministry consists of dancers 18 years of age (post high school) and older who are committed to our Orthodox Christian Faith and have a strong desire to perpetuate Hellenic culture through the art of song and dance. 

While this is primarily a performance group, we invite everyone to come and learn. 


Our dance program runs from August through May. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in conjunction with Family Night at the church. 


Performances are held throughout the year at local civic and cultural events with the primary focus on performing at the Greek Festival (held in November at St. John the Divine GOC) and the Hellenic Dance Festival (Metropolis of Atlanta dance competition held in January at various locations). 

For more information, please reach out to [email protected].

Adult Greek Dance Upcoming Events

Wednesday - 10/23/2024
Wednesday - 10/30/2024
Wednesday - 11/6/2024
Wednesday - 11/13/2024
Wednesday - 11/20/2024
Wednesday - 12/4/2024
Wednesday - 12/11/2024

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