Choir & Chanters

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Part of the beauty of the Orthodox Liturgy is attributed to its liturgical music. St. John the Divine has a long history rich in its choir participation. The St. John the Divine Choir ministry is a year-round commitment and members participate along with the Priests during each Sunday Liturgy and special services during Lent and Advent.
For more than 40 years, the choir was led by Mrs. Frances (Pappas) Tsengas. Under her direction choir members worshiped using liturgical music written by various composers including Kypros, Bogdanos, and Maragos. Her leadership made the choir ministry more than just a part of the liturgy, the choir members became their own family within the St. John the Divine church family.
That legacy continues today as the St. John the Divine choir has grown to more than forty choir members which includes many of our senior parishioners along with many youth members and under the direction of Choir Director, Maria Chrissovergis. The choir incorporates various composers during the liturgy each Sunday and has been given accolades by His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios during the ordination services of our Rev. Dr. Nicholas Louh and more recently during the Clergy Laity Conference hosted by our parish in 2019.
The choir members typically participate in routine choir practices that take place Sunday immediately following Divine Liturgy. They also enjoy an annual retreat giving them an opportunity to learn new liturgical music and prepare for the Christmas season. Many of its members also participate in the annual Southeast Choir Federation Conference each summer.
St. John the Divine parishioners will attest, the church choir lifts the congregation to a higher spiritual level each Sunday during worship services. Their music is not only inspirational but truly a joyful noise lifted each Sunday to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Adult Greek Dance
- Archons
- Choir & Chanters
- Gardening Ministry
- Greek School
- Homeless Ministry
- IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities)
- Starting Fresh
- Men’s & Women’s Bible Study
- Orthodoxy 101: Adult Religious Education
- Parea Fellowship
- Philoptochos
- Prosforo Ministry
- Veterans Ministry
- Wednesday Night Bible Study
- Young At Heart 55+
- Zoe Ministry
Choir Upcoming Events
- Wednesday - 12/24/2025
Christmas Choir Concert 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm