Welcoming Ministry

Ministry Leadership
Deb & Chris Gay
Contact Ministry Leader
Welcoming Ministry
Our hospitality ministry strives to make guest at St. John the Divine feel welcome and connected the minute they step into the church. From our ushers and greeters to our after service coffee and snacks, our hospitality ministry wants everyone to feel welcome at St John the Divine.
- Adult Greek Dance
- Archons
- Choir & Chanters
- Gardening Ministry
- Greek School
- Homeless Ministry
- IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities)
- Starting Fresh
- Men’s & Women’s Bible Study
- Orthodoxy 101: Adult Religious Education
- Parea Fellowship
- Philoptochos
- Prosforo Ministry
- Veterans Ministry
- Wednesday Night Bible Study
- Young At Heart 55+
- Zoe Ministry
Welcoming Ministry Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events.